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The Ergonomic Benefits of Dual Monitors

March 9, 2021
June 21, 2023
beautiful american girl sitting in front of three monitors

A recent Pew Research Center Survey found that of workers whose jobs allow them to work remotely, only about 20 percent of those workers worked from home most of the time in the pre-COVID world. Today, almost 71 percent of those workers claim to be doing their jobs from home all or most of the time. The survey went on to find that, if given a choice in the matter, well over half of these workers would continue to work from home once the COVID-19 pandemic eventually does subside.

For employers and human resource managers, finding ways to increase the productivity of their remote workers is a challenge that many are facing for the first time. Since most remote workers rely on computers for their daily job tasks, many companies are urging their at-home employees to set up dual-monitor home workstations. Though it is certainly possible to accomplish work tasks on a traditional laptop or PC with just one monitor, a Jon Peddie Research survey found that workers who use dual monitors can expect to see a 20 to 30 percent increase in their productivity levels.

Not only can companies save on overhead costs (such as expensive rent and building utilities) with at home workers, but the increased productivity levels that come with investing in dual-monitor workstations can reap even more positive economic results. However, for both remote and office workers, ensuring proper monitor height is extremely important to safeguard employee health and wellbeing.

In this short article, we will take a look at the best ergonomic desk setup for two monitors to help employers reap the benefits that come with increased productivity while avoiding the potential health pitfalls. 

Positioning Dual Monitors 

As mentioned at the outset, the use of dual monitors can allow employees to better organize and segregate their work in order to increase productivity levels. For example, on one monitor, an employee may leave their work email inbox open to quickly respond to incoming messages while the other monitor can be open to a budget spreadsheet they need to finish  by the end of the day. The proper ergonomic set-up of this dual-monitor workstation can free up space on office desks while also avoiding the pain and discomfort that is often common with long days sitting in front of the computer.

An ergonomic desk setup for a dual-monitor workstation should take into account the following considerations: 

  • Proper Ergonomic Monitor Height. It is important that both of the monitors are the same size (for example, both 17-inch monitors) and placed at exactly the same height. This will help workers avoid unnecessary and uncomfortable neck movement and eye strain. Both monitors should ideally be placed 2 to 3 inches above eye level. If the employee uses bi- or trifocal lenses, it is important that the screen is lower so the user does not have to lift her/his head or eyes to see the screen.
  • Correct Angling of the Monitors. If both monitors are used the same amount of time, they should be placed next to each other with the meeting point directly in front of the user. Angle them in a slight V position. If one of the monitors is used more than the other, place this monitor directly in front of the user, with the second monitor placed to the side at about a 30 degree angle to the primary monitor.
  • Proper Distance. Lastly, both of the monitors should be about an arm's length away from the user to avoid problems associated with the glare of the screens. Using blue-screen filters on both of the monitors can further help to reduce vision-related problems that come with long amounts of time spent in front of screens. 

Monitor Your Company’s Wellness With Work-Fit

Companies who are considering implementing dual-monitor workstations for their employees would do well to hire specialists with experience in workplace injury management. Work-Fit is a nationwide leading provider of injury prevention solutions for your workforce. We have years of experience in helping businesses from all different industries  create and implement holistic injury prevention programs.

Work-Fit can help every type of business come up with different strategies to promote a preventive care model that increases productivity rates and creates savings on employer healthcare costs. Contact Work-Fit today to see how we can help your company develop productive and safe ergonomic workstations focused on dual-monitor setups. 

If you’re looking for more help with your work station set-up, take our Office Ergonomic Assessment HERE.


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