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Virtual Injury Prevention – Work-Fit’s Telehealth Service

Protect Your Employees With TeleHealth

You want best-in-class safety coverage for all your employees, while reducing injuries, costs, and time. Is that possible with your current safety team, a limited budget, and geographical spread of workplace locations?

The answer is yes.

You don’t need to be everywhere at once to be able to protect all of your employees.

Whether you’re solo, a small team, or a Fortune 500 company, there’s a simple solution to empowering your workers with on-demand access to a range of wellness programs, expert guidance, and injury triage.

In partnership with HealthyRoster, Work-Fit is proud to offer TeleHealth: a virtual injury clinic experience providing safety coverage for every person, during every shift, at every location. No matter your staff size or project scope, your workers will never be alone.

How TeleHealth Works

Thanks to the HealthyRoster software, your employees will have access to on-demand TeleHealth services from on-site kiosks throughout your work areas, on their personal or work devices via mobile apps, or via hotline with any telephone.

This accessibility is ideal for an active workforce, whether on-site, remote, or en route. Access to wellness services and injury triage now goes wherever your workers go. Programs include, virtual wellness and self-care programs, and televideo injury triage - all with licensed medical professionals, with immediate referrals and direction, in accordance with your company’s current protocols.

On-Site Injury Triage

Injuries can happen anywhere, and it’s crucial to take the right steps. If someone gets hurt on the job, your workers have access to immediate televideo connection to receive expert guidance on what to do while avoiding unnecessary OSHA recordables. Our TeleHealth platform connects your employees with licensed medical professionals who will triage the injury and, following your existing protocols, provide expert advice on whether emergency care is needed or if the employee can return to work.

This easy-to-use platform significantly reduces worker’s compensation costs and lost time, empowering your team to avoid costly mistakes by reacting appropriately to the situation.

Your Employee Protection Plan Starts With Work-Fit

Having an injury response plan is essential - and just as important is an injury prevention plan. Work-Fit’s team of dedicated professionals empowers your employees by increasing awareness of ergonomics and biomechanics within any job, promoting a workplace culture of wellness and safety, and providing injury prevention & recovery protocol. Having an on-site team is ideal for maintaining open lines of communication with your workers on safety and injury prevention, and TeleHealth is the next best thing.

TeleHealth is designed to work seamlessly with your existing on-site occupational safety and medical team, or to be the perfect introductory program for any company looking to reduce costs associated with worker injuries, reduce wasted time and paperwork, and expand wellness benefits in an interactive, on-demand setting.

You know that the best injury protection is prevention. Take the first step in giving your team the best tools for success. Contact Work-Fit to see how you can enhance your safety program, reduce your team’s workload, and more effectively support your entire workforce with TeleHealth.

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Take Work-Fit's Office Ergonomic Assessment and get help right away!

Take The Assessment here
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