Feel free to click on any of the headings below to jump right to the section you need.
If you require any further assistance with these stretches/exercises or have questions about information provided please contact your Work-Fit representative here! We are happy to help!
Regular physical activity is safe for most people. However, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or have never participated in regular exercise, check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Hold each stretch for 15-60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times.
Can be done kneeling on floor or standing
Split stance, keep hips level with one another, keep torso upright with good posture, lean hips forward.
**Widen stance if necessary for balance**
Cross one leg over the other, push down on knee and pull up on ankle.
Hands directly below shoulders, knees directly below hips, drop belly down, rotate hips up and back, and lift chest.
Wide stance, keep torso upright with good posture, bend knee and lean towards that side, keeping the other leg straight.
**Keep bent knee directly over toes**
Lay on back, bend knee to 90˚, bend hip to 90˚, and rotate leg across your body until you feel a stretch in the side of your leg and/or glute. Keep spine on the floor.
Start with 1 set of 10. Gradually increase to 2 to 3 sets of 10 with a short rest in between sets.
Starting Position:
Feet shoulder width apart, shoulders/arms relaxed at your side, contract abdominals, lift hips off the floor and hold.
*Keep back straight and keep weight on shoulders and off neck/head.*
Variation: Lift hips off of the floor, then raise one knee up, lower, raise opposite knee.
Maintain good upper body posture, keep knee straight, raise leg.
**Can bend lower leg for balance when necessary**
Standing on a slightly raised stable surface, balance on one leg and let the opposite leg relax down. Slowly hike hip towards the sky keeping upper body upright.
**Use stable surface to assist with balance if necessary**
Keep a chair next to you to assist with balance, maintain good upper body posture, slowly raise hip and knee to 90˚, lower leg.
Maintain good upper body posture, maintain a neutral spine, hinge forward, return to starting position. Use chair to assist with balance, add dumbbell to increase difficulty.
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