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The Top 3 Benefits of Having an Ergonomic Evaluation Done for Your Company's Workspaces

January 7, 2023
June 21, 2023
Ergonomic Evaluation

Musculoskeletal injuries and disorders make up 30% of all workers’ compensation costs. These injuries are often caused by biomechanical errors, like poor posture and positioning, overuse and repetitive movements. Many times, ergonomic injuries can be avoided by making simple changes in the work environment

That’s where ergonomic evaluations come in. An ergonomic evaluation involves identifying potential risks in your working environment. From the results of an ergonomic assessment, you can find ways to decrease workplace risk and foster a comfortable working environment for your employees.

Top 3 benefits of an ergonomic evaluation of your workplace

Ergonomic discomfort can be caused by factors like desk height, keyboard angle and unsupportive chairs. However, ergonomics are also important outside the office. If workers aren’t trained how to properly lift heavy objects, for example, they can seriously hurt their back. A workplace such as a warehouse floor should also be assessed for its slip risk, and shelves should be adjusted for easy reach or safe access via machinery. 

Whatever your company’s needs are, performing an ergonomic evaluation of your workplace can help you: 

  1. Improve company wellness — Working in a non-ergonomic work environment can lead to your employees feeling achiness and fatigue on a daily basis. These issues can cause workers to miss several days of work. When you improve your workplace ergonomics, however, your employees can feel better throughout the day and remain present throughout the week. Improved wellness and energy can also lead to better productivity.

  2. Reduce on-site injuries — If you use your ergonomic evaluation results to make concrete changes in your work environment, you can drastically reduce on-site injuries. On-site ergonomic training and environmental modifications have been shown to greatly reduce employees’ risk of injury. A smaller injury rate can also lead to a better reputation among consumers and clients. 

  1. Engage your workers in a culture of safety — Taking the time to perform an ergonomic evaluation shows that your company is committed to safety and health. Your employees will notice that you are taking greater interest in their well-being. As a result, they may feel more empowered to remain at your company. Interestingly, 80% of employees whose employers are engaged in their wellness say they enjoy work, and 85% say they intend to stay at their jobs. In addition, if an employee does not experience fatigue and discomfort during their working day, you can reduce absenteeism, improve morale and increase your employees’ involvement.

Work-Fit can perform an ergonomic evaluation for you

Want to have an ergonomic evaluation done but don’t know where to start? Our team of professionals at Work-Fit can come to you and assess your workplace for optimal ergonomics. We can then help you make the necessary changes you may need to keep your employees safe and productive. Contact our team today for more information about our services.


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